
Moncton SPCA Charitable Foundation Inc.
PO Box 23098 RPO Elmwood
Moncton NB E1A 6S8

Looking For

Employment Type
Volunteer Part-time

Date Posted
June 28, 2024


Submission Deadline
August 30, 2024




Position overview

We are seeking one dedicated individual to serve as Treasurer of the Board for the SPCA Charitable Foundation. As a Treasurer, you will play a crucial role on the Board’s Executive in guiding and supporting our organization's mission, vision, and strategic direction. The treasurer is the financial expert for the Foundation and guides the board and executives toward sound financial decisions. 

The treasurer oversees the financial administration of the Foundation, reviews financial procedures, performs financial analysis, completes financial reporting and provides advice to the Board on financial strategy.


  • Actively participate in board meetings, contribute to discussions and make informed decisions in the best interest of the organization (80% attendance);
  • Lead the finance committee;
  • Treasurer should have the ability to read, understand, interpret, accurately present and discuss the Foundation’s financial statements with the Board of Directors;
  • Works with the Executive Director to publish financial statements at the end of each fiscal year;
  • Review the annual audit and answer board members’ questions;
  • Review the strategic plan at least annually for budgetary needs;
  • Works with the Executive Director to ensure that appropriate financial reports are made available to the board on a timely basis;
  • Uphold and promote the organization's mission, values, and code of ethics;
  • Support the development and implementation of advocacy strategies to advance the organization's goals;
  • Identify partnership opportunities and engage in collaborative efforts to maximize the organization's impact;
  • Attend and represent the organization at relevant events, conferences, and networking functions.


  • CPA or other comparable professional designation;
  • A genuine passion for the organization's mission and a commitment to its values;
  • Expertise in significant not-for-profit fundraising activities;
  • Knowledge of the not-for-profit sector, including governance practice and fundraising strategies;
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to work collaboratively in a diverse team environment;
  • Time availability to attend regular board meetings, committee meetings, and other relevant events. Meetings currently take place virtually every two months and in person twice a year;
  • Willingness to actively engage in fundraising efforts and leverage networks;
  • High ethical standards and the ability to exercise independent judgment.

Recruitment Process

We value diversity and encourage individuals from all backgrounds to apply. Please submit your resume, including 2 references. We will only contact those top applicants for an interview with the hiring committee.

Please submit your application to [email protected].